Research Interests
Supplier-Retailer strategic interactions in decentralized supply chains, inventory, pricing, retail operations, retail & distribution, operations-marketing interface, supplier encroachment, store brands, supply chain risk, and resilience. Methods: Game theory, analytical modeling, optimization.
1. Balasubramanian, G., & Maruthasalam, A. P. P. (2021). Substitution Effect of Retailer Store Brand and Manufacturer Encroachment. International Journal of Production Economics, 108208.
2. Maruthasalam, A. P. P., & Balasubramanian, G. (2023). Supplier encroachment in the presence of asymmetric retail competition. International Journal of Production Economics, 108961.
3. Ganesh Balasubramanian & Arulanantha Prabu P M (2023). Impact of store brand competition on retailer's strategic inventory in decentralized supply chains. Naval Research Logistics.
Manuscripts under review/under revision:
1. Ganesh Balasubramanian, Benny Mantin, & Sachin Jayaswal (2021). Cost learning and strategic inventories: who shall carry inventories in a vertical supply chain? (from dissertation)
Presented in: POMS Annual conference 2021; LCL research talk series, University of Luxembourg, Jan 2021; IIM A brown bag research seminar Dec 2020; POMS India International Conference, Dec 2021. Current Status: Under Revision (Round 3), M&SOM (FT 50).
Working Papers:
1. Ganesh Balasubramanian, Benny Mantin, & Sachin Jayaswal “Mass customization using 3D Printing: on the role of cost and data capture delegation” (from dissertation). Presented in: LCL Research talk series, University of Luxembourg, 26th Jan 2022; P&QM research seminar series, IIM Ahmedabad, 14th Feb 2022; POMS Annual Conference 2022). Recognition: POMS Emerging Economies Doctoral Student Award 2022. Current Status: Close to submission (Preliminary draft available), Target Journal: POM (FT50)
2. Abhishek Roy & Ganesh Balasubramanian. "Vertical Channels with Manufacturer Quality and Retailer Effort Induced Demand in the Presence of Strategic Inventory". Target Journal: Management Science (FT50)
3. Arulanantha Prabu PM & Ganesh Balasubramanian. "When to fly solo? Manufacturer's channel strategy in the presence of store brand competition". Draft Available.
4. Qiaoke Zhang, Ganesh Balasubramanian, Arulanantha Prabu P M, Jian Huang. Optimal timing of store brand price announcement and choice of selling model with Nash bargaining.
Edited Book Chapters
Ramachandran, S., & Balasubramanian, G. (2022). Toward a Resilient Supply Chain. In Supply Chain Risk Mitigation (pp. 191-204). Springer, Cham.
Research Conferences (papers presented):
8th Biennial Supply Chain Management Conference, IIM Bangalore, India, Dec 2023.
13th POMS HK International Conference, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2023.
32nd POMS annual conference, USA, April 2022.
Twenty second international working seminar on production economics, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb 2022.
31st POMS annual conference, USA, April 2021.
POMS India International Conference, India, Dec 2021.
7th Biennial Supply Chain Management Conference, IIM Bangalore (Online mode), India, Dec 2021.
ISDSI Global conference 2021, IIM Nagpur (Online mode), India, Dec 2021.
ORSI 2019 annual conference, IIM Ahmedabad, India, Dec 2019.
Airline Transport Research Society (ATRS) conference 2019, Vrije University, Amsterdam.