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Research Interests

Supplier-Retailer strategic interactions in decentralized supply chains, inventory, pricing, retail operations, retail & distribution, operations-marketing interface, supplier encroachment, store brands, supply chain risk, and resilience. Methods: Game theory, analytical modeling, optimization.



1. Balasubramanian, G., & Maruthasalam, A. P. P. (2021). Substitution Effect of Retailer Store Brand and Manufacturer Encroachment. International Journal of Production Economics, 108208.

2. Maruthasalam, A. P. P., & Balasubramanian, G. (2023). Supplier encroachment in the presence of asymmetric retail competition. International Journal of Production Economics, 108961.

3. Ganesh Balasubramanian & Arulanantha Prabu P M (2023). Impact of store brand competition on retailer's strategic inventory in decentralized supply chains. Naval Research Logistics. 

Manuscripts under review/under revision:

1. Ganesh Balasubramanian, Benny Mantin, & Sachin Jayaswal (2021). Cost learning and strategic inventories: who shall carry inventories in a vertical supply chain? (from dissertation)

Presented in: POMS Annual conference 2021; LCL research talk series, University of Luxembourg, Jan 2021; IIM A brown bag research seminar Dec 2020; POMS India International Conference, Dec 2021. Current Status: Under Revision (Round 3), M&SOM (FT 50). 

Working Papers:

1. Ganesh Balasubramanian, Benny Mantin, & Sachin Jayaswal “Mass customization using 3D Printing: on the role of cost and data capture delegation” (from dissertation). Presented in: LCL Research talk series, University of Luxembourg, 26th Jan 2022; P&QM research seminar series, IIM Ahmedabad, 14th Feb 2022; POMS Annual Conference 2022). Recognition: POMS Emerging Economies Doctoral Student Award 2022. Current Status: Close to submission (Preliminary draft available), Target Journal: POM (FT50)


2. Abhishek Roy & Ganesh Balasubramanian. "Vertical Channels with Manufacturer Quality and Retailer Effort Induced Demand in the Presence of Strategic Inventory". Target Journal: Management Science (FT50)

3. Arulanantha Prabu PM & Ganesh Balasubramanian. "When to fly solo? Manufacturer's channel strategy in the presence of store brand competition". Draft Available. 

4. Qiaoke Zhang, Ganesh Balasubramanian, Arulanantha Prabu P M, Jian Huang. Optimal timing of store brand price announcement and choice of selling model with Nash bargaining. 


Edited Book Chapters

  • Ramachandran, S., & Balasubramanian, G. (2022). Toward a Resilient Supply Chain. In Supply Chain Risk Mitigation (pp. 191-204). Springer, Cham.

Research Conferences (papers presented):

  • 8th Biennial Supply Chain Management Conference, IIM Bangalore, India, Dec 2023.

  • 13th POMS HK International Conference, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2023.

  • 32nd POMS annual conference, USA, April 2022. 

  • Twenty second international working seminar on production economics, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb 2022.

  • 31st POMS annual conference, USA, April 2021. 

  • POMS India International Conference, India, Dec 2021.

  • 7th Biennial Supply Chain Management Conference, IIM Bangalore (Online mode), India, Dec 2021.

  • ISDSI Global conference 2021, IIM Nagpur (Online mode), India, Dec 2021.

  • ORSI 2019 annual conference, IIM Ahmedabad, India, Dec 2019.

  • Airline Transport Research Society (ATRS) conference 2019, Vrije University, Amsterdam.

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